Catherine Ryan Hyde Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 25 published and forthcoming books, including the bestselling When I found You, Pay It Forward, Don't Let Me Go, and Take Me With You.


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New Custom Bookplates!

Guess what, faithful readers? I have swag!

In an ongoing effort to bring you swaggier swag to thank you for your loyalty, I am now offering these custom-made, ever-so-me bookplates.

Of course I will put my original signature on them to you before sending.  But if you want something personalized to you, you’ll need to choose the bookmark, below, which has a lot more room. 

What do you have to do to get one? Not much!

These are absolutely free. Just address an envelope to yourself and put a stamp on it. Then fold it up and mail it to me at: P.O. Box 552, Cambria, CA 93428.

That’s it! Swag should be easy. Always postage-free to book groups. Please see below.


What do you get when you cross a hand-signed bookplate with an author bookmark? Whatever you call the offspring, it looks like this, and it's absolutely free.

It can turn any one of my books into the next best thing to a signed copy.  And can a signed copy mark what page you're on? I don't think so.

Each signature is done by hand, by me. And I'll do personalized bookmarks on request.

These are a new, different design. I loved my old bookmarks, but the sheer number of titles caught up with the design. I guess that’s what you call a high-end problem. Like the old bookmarks, they are glossy and coated and gorgeous on the front, uncoated on the back for signing and personalizing. But don't take my word for it. Take me up on the offer and you'll see.

Here's how you get one.

Please address an envelope to yourself and put a stamp on it. Then fold it up and mail it to me at:

P.O. Box 552, Cambria, CA 93428

As always, for book groups:  If your group is going to be reading and discussing one of my books, I'm happy to send one for each member, and the postage is always on me. Just go to the contact page, tell me how many people are in your group, their first names if you’d like them personalized. and one address for a group representative. I'll send enough for each of you. It's my way of saying thanks for choosing my book.